A Brief Overview

At A Glance

Founded in 2001

India’s sole only Not-For-Profit entity representing the tech industry

Robust nation-wide presence to facilitate last mile impact

20 years in TechForGood Amongst the first to advocate digital literacy and tech-based skilling

What We Stand For

Since its inception in 2001, the nasscom foundation has witnessed the transformative power of technology. We are the sole non-profit organisation representing the Indian IT industry in the nasscom ecosystem. We remain committed to our core philosophy of TechForGood, in which we strive to unleash the power of technology by providing access and opportunity to those in need. We use technology to assist people and institutions in transforming the way they address social and economic concerns.

Primary areas of intervention


Skills &

Women Entrepreneurship

Scaling Social Innovation

Empowering NGO Ecosystem

Our Vision

Enabling digital transformation that builds the path to an inclusive, sustainable & progressive India.

Mobilise resources and social impact investments through collaboration with the tech industry and other stakeholders to build a sustainable and progressive India

Provide the tech industry and nasscom members with the most optimal way to make a difference

Bridge the digital gap for the last mile & empower marginalised communities to be a part of the digital economy

Leverage technology-led innovation as a force multiplier for social and economic impact

Create industry benchmarks for #TechForGood and #InclusionForAll

Enable digital transformation for the social ecosystem


Founded by The IT-BPM industry leaders to promote Technology for Social Good


Springs into action to aid people stranded due to the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean


Launches nasscom Knowledge Network Programme to promote public access to ICT


Releases the first 'Catalysing Change' Report on CSR in the IT-BPM industry


Launches nasscom Social Innovation Honours to help foster Technology for Social Good


NGO-enabling programmes are born: BigTech, BigBridge, MyKartavya, ConnectIT


Launches India's first digital literacy initiative, the National Digital Literacy Mission. In 2014, the initiative gets adopted by the central government, with the nasscom foundation as the industry secretariat


Industry advocacy & consulting partner for the CSR Law - Section 135, The Company's Act 2013


Hosts its first CSR Leadership Conference: Today India's largest TechForGood-driven conference


Impacts 3 million lives; launches Women Entrepreneurship Programme


Impacts 5 million lives; launches Aspirational District Programme


Impacts over 6,00,000 people through the use of Technology for Social Good

Till Date

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